Remote workforce?

Get full visibility, management, and security for your VPN & SaaS services

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Apps Remote Access VPNs SSO

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Secure & reliable Work-From-Home solutions

Your enterprise depends on many services to keep your employees productive and engaged. Keep these services reliable and secure.

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Zoom and SaaS Apps

Ensure visibility, reliability, and security for Zoom, Github, G Suite, Jira , Office 365, Salesforce, Slack

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VPN Services

Ensure visibility, reliability, and security for Cisco Meraki, Zscaler, Palo Alto Networks solutions

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Remote Access and SSO

Ensure visibility, reliability, and security for Auth0, Duo, Okta, One Login, Azure AD

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Endpoint Security

Get analytics for remote endpoints security solutions like Crowdstrike Falcon, VMware Carbon Black, Cylance

Ensure visibility, reliability, and security for your mission-critical business apps

Zoom – Real-time visibility into availability and security

Zoom – Real-time visibility into availability and security

Monitor Zoom remotely for security, reliability, and admin activities, guest users, and more.

“Our entire development team has real-time access and can get instant visibility into what’s going on within our environment at any time.”

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Office 365 – Monitor, audit, and analyze in real-time

Office 365 – Monitor, audit, and analyze in real-time

Use real-time log analytics to create continuous intelligence for O365.

“Before Sumo Logic, we thought that real-time monitoring coupled with the ability to unify log and metric data in a scalable SaaS-based platform was an unattainable goal.”

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CrowdStrike Falcon – Deep visibility into the security posture of your endpoints

CrowdStrike Falcon – Deep visibility into the security posture of your endpoints

Analyze IOCs by affected users, tactic, technique, and objective, and identify hosts on your network with the highest malware detections.

“당사의 개인정보 보호 및 보안 목표를 달성하는 데 Sumo Logic의 역할이 결정적이었습니다.”

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Slack – Enforce your organization’s security policies and get insights into user behavior

Slack – Enforce your organization’s security policies and get insights into user behavior

Monitor guest users, shared files, two-factor authentication, access from malicious sources and understand patterns in user activity.

“조직 전체에 걸쳐 Sumo Logic 플랫폼을 채택하여 DevSecOps 접근 방식을 보다 집중적으로 적용하고 운영을 지원할 수 있게 되었습니다.”

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Okta – Troubleshoot user activity and identify insider threats faster

Okta – Troubleshoot user activity and identify insider threats faster

Monitor and correlate your Okta user activity logs with advanced analytics and insights.

“Sumo Logic을 사용하면 마치 눈 앞을 가리던 장애물을 치운 것과 같이 탁월한 가시성을 얻을 수 있으며, 사업에 영향을 미치는 잠재 요인을 파악할 수 있습니다.”

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Zscaler – Create continuous intelligence for Zscaler Web Security with real-time analytics

Zscaler – Create continuous intelligence for Zscaler Web Security with real-time analytics

Monitor Zscaler's Web Security events with powerful analysis tools.

“Sumo Logic은 DevOps 팀이 경고 및 인시던트 관리 프로세스를 간소화하여 다운타임 문제를 줄이는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다.”

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Try Sumo Logic today

Get full visibility, management, and security for your VPN & SaaS services

Apps Remote Access VPNs SSO