K8s Monitoring Dashboards

Monitor, secure, and optimize your Kubernetes cluster

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Logs Metrics Kubernetes

Dashboard hero

Cluster wide Kubernetes visibility

Get instant insight into the health and performance of Kubernetes

Unified Platform

Unified visibility

Combine metrics, logs, events, and security to create a real-time view of the performance, uptime, and security of your Kubernetes platform.

Deeper Insights

Application-centric visibility

View your Kubernetes environment through its different hierarchies: node, deployment, service, and namespace, rather than being forced through the lens of a server-based approach.

Cloud Systems And Infrastructure

CNCF standards-based

Leverage CNCF endorsed collection tools like FluentD and Prometheus.

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Live out-of-the-box dashboards

As the Kubernetes environment changes and new services, pods, nodes are added, Sumo Logic’s dashboards will adjust in real-time always showing you the live state.

Kubernetes 모니터링으로 가장 중대한 문제 해결

“Sumo Logic의 서비스 중심적인 접근 방식을 활용하면 고객 문제와 연관된 Kubernetes 문제를 간편하고 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스로 신속하게 추적할 수 있습니다.”


Lior Mechlovich


Resolve issues quickly with a new view of Kubernetes

Tie together DevOps and SecOps

Tie together DevOps and SecOps

Displaying security information within the natural hierarchies of Kubernetes, we can enable a consistent view across DevOps and SecOp to build closer and more efficient DevSecOps cooperation.

“조직 전체에 걸쳐 Sumo Logic 플랫폼을 채택하여 DevSecOps 접근 방식을 보다 집중적으로 적용하고 운영을 지원할 수 있게 되었습니다.”

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Get rich data at every level of your stack

Get rich data at every level of your stack

Rich metadata enables Sumo Logic to automatically build out the explorer hierarchy of the components present in your cluster, and keep the explorer up to date as pods are added and removed.

“Sumo Logic을 사용하면 마치 눈 앞을 가리던 장애물을 치운 것과 같이 탁월한 가시성을 얻을 수 있으며, 사업에 영향을 미치는 잠재 요인을 파악할 수 있습니다.”

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Reduce the time it takes to identify and solve problems

Reduce the time it takes to identify and solve problems

Taking action often starts with gaining better visibility. Kubernetes has various hierarchies and Sumo Logic allows you to look at your data through these different lenses — depending on the situation.

“Sumo Logic은 DevOps 팀이 경고 및 인시던트 관리 프로세스를 간소화하여 다운타임 문제를 줄이는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다.”

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Try Sumo Logic today

Intuitive monitoring, troubleshooting, and security for Kubernetes environments

Logs Metrics Kubernetes