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5월 3, 2019 By Sumo Logic

What do successful AIOps deployments have in common?

EMA (Enterprise Management Associates) asked over 1,000 AIOps and IT Operations practitioners about their current deployments and plans for the future. The applications for IT Operations analytics are continuing to grow beyond pure DevOps monitoring to now include end-user-experience monitoring, security monitoring, and capacity planning analytics. It is easy to see the drivers for this rapid expansion.

Organizations with successful deployments are able to clearly report increased efficiency and faster times to resolve issues as results of their efforts. But what separates organizations with clear successes from those still working to implement IT analytics solutions?

The following infographic dive into what these successful deployments have in common - from what to look out for before starting to who should be involved in driving the implementation.

After viewing the infographic, check out the full report. Click here›

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