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12월 19, 2014 By Sumo Logic

The Sumo Logic Application for PCI Compliance

Strengthen PCI Posture with Real-Time Machine Data Intelligence

The PCI Challenge

The complex and evolving requirements of PCI DSS compliance create a myriad of challenges for IT teams in organizations that process, store or transmit credit and debit card information. As the systems that fall within the scope of PCI generate data at an exponential rate, the task of maintaining compliance requirements and protecting the business is becoming overwhelming. When combined with the increasing sophistication of attacks, it’s no wonder that IT struggles to reconcile these growing needs with existing solutions that don’t work. The end result is an expensive yet incomplete infrastructure that requires more manpower to manage and simply adds to the chaos.

Over the years, the PCI compliance standard has undergone substantial changes, and the unpredictable nature of compliance audits where auditors can request precise information related to an organization’s operations makes meeting all requirements an arduous task. Needless to say, this why traditional security solutions fail to deliver.

Simplify and Strengthen Compliance with Sumo Logic

The Sumo Logic application for PCI compliance is a natural addition to the company’s Enterprise Security Analytics solutions and helps organizations of any size meet the stringent PCI Data Security Standards. This new application combined with the power of the underlying Sumo Logic platform to detect anomalous events in real-time and reduce Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) by turning logs into meaningful patterns helps organizations strengthen their security and compliance posture. Because the application for PCI compliance is included in the company’s enterprise edition service, organizations do not need to invest in additional point solutions.

“Demonstrating continuous adherence with PCI and other compliance standards is a priority for CloudPassage. Sumo Logic helps us meet compliance with a unified view of our infrastructure, strengthens real-time monitoring, meets log review and retention requirements which shortens audit cycles. By ingesting and monitoring logs from any workloads, Sumo Logic perfectly complements the CloudPassage Halo Security Platform which secures workloads anywhere, at any scale, as-a-service.” - Bart Westerink, Director of Security and Compliance, CloudPassage

With the Sumo Logic application for PCI compliance, organizations can:

Rapidly uncover compliance events with real-time, end-to-end infrastructure monitoring. Sumo Logic can seamlessly ingest data from any source to provide comprehensive analytics through a single pane of glass.

Address all your PCI requirements without investing in additional solutions. Retain audit trails to demonstrate a strong security posture.

Leverage 58 pre-built searches, 13 dashboards and 82 reports that visually demonstrate PCI requirements.

Implement ad-hoc and automated audit workflows to meet pre-defined and unique audit requirements.

Reduce Mean Time to Resolution with the patent-pending LogReduce® technology that reduces hundreds of thousands of pages of results into a handful of meaningful patterns.

Reduce the cost and time associated with compliance audits with guaranteed query performance. Continuously monitor systems and automate reporting to eliminate last minute chaos.

Automatically adapt to changing compliance needs with a cloud-based service that routinely adjusts to current regulations without requiring any customer effort.

Meet all your machine data analytics needs including your compliance, security, operational and business insight needs through a single service.

“ Our distributed, high availability environment requires predictive, real-time event monitoring to meet stringent PCI requirements. Sumo Logic plays a critical role in making that happen and provides in-depth diagnosis that helps us improve our overall security posture for business success.” - Rama Notowidigdo, CTO, Kartuku

Sumo Logic application for PCI compliance reduces the burden on IT resources and increases productivity while helping your organization demonstrate a strong PCI posture. Industry-leading automated and built-in machine-learning algorithms also drive proactive analytics to detect critical events without depending on rules, queries or human input. With Sumo Logic, IT can successfully and easily execute end-to-end machine data analytics and future proof their investment through a cloud-based service that automatically adapts to changing data types and compliance needs.

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