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11월 20, 2015 By Sumo Logic

The Importance of Continuous Intelligence on the Future of Full-stack System Management

Here at Sumo Logic we’ve been talking a lot about the shift to Continuous Intelligence, and how software-centric companies and traditional organizations alike are being disrupted by traditional IT models. A newly commissioned white paper by the Enterprise Strategy Group, digs into the future of full-stack system management in the era of digital business. The author and Principle Analyst, Application Development and Deployment, Stephen Hendrick, examines the opportunity and challenge IT faces as an active participant in creating new, digital business models.

“The opportunity centers on IT’s ability to create new business models and better address customer needs, while the challenge lies in it’s role as a disruptive force to establish enterprises that underestimate the power and speed of IT-fueled change.”

Digital business models are fueling the growing acceptance of cloud computing and DevOps practices, resulting in new customer applications that are transforming many traditional markets into digital disruptors – Amazon, AWS, AirBnB, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Twitter, and Uber spring to mind as common examples.

However, the rise of cloud-computing and continuous development and delivery practices also results in greater complexity and change within IT environments. Stephen discusses the emergence of technologies to address this trend. In addition, he introduces a Systems Management Reference model to analyze the role and relevance of continuous intelligence technologies to increase the adaptability of full-stack system management, thereby better serving the dynamic needs of the IT infrastructure and business.

Stephen concludes, “continuous intelligence brings together the best that real-time, advance analytics has to offer by leveraging continuous real-time data to proactively support the evaluation of IT asset availability and performance within a highly secure environment. This approach reflects and is aligned with today’s modern architecture for application development and deployment, which includes microservices and immutable infrastructure.”

Where does Sumo Logic fit into all of this? Quite simply we believe Sumo Logic’s purpose-built, cloud-native, machine data analytics service was designed to deliver real-time continuous intelligence across the entire infrastructure and application stack. This in turn enables organizations to answer questions they didn’t even know they had, by transforming the velocity, variety and volume of unstructured machine data overwhelming them into rich, actionable insights, to address and diffuse complexity and risk.

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